2009年5月31日 星期日

遜咖日記:葛瑞不能說的祕密-英文閱讀 02





師大附中 英文老師 劉雲湘

Diary of a Wimpy Kid has become a must for every learner of English to read. Once you start reading it, you will be instantly captivated by its stylish and practical juvenile language as well as its simple yet jocular cartoon illustrations. Read it a moment, and your pleasure lasts a long time. The more often you read it, the better your English will get. You can read it ten minutes per time and/or diary by diary. Never will you be alone if you spend time--lying, sitting, or standing--with it. Plus, keep reading it, and you keep young. That is how it can keep a firm grip on you. All in all, Diary of a Wimpy Kid is an awesome book worth a read. Whoever or whatever you are, the fact that you hold such a book in your hands is a step in the right direction.

資料來源: 三民網路書局

By: 第四象限

